OCV Secondary - Special Education
Individual Education Plans (IEPs)
The Learning Support Teacher is the main developer for consultation letters and IEPs. All OCV teachers are responsible for reviewing and implementing IEPs in their virtual learning environments.
Special Education Supports in the OCV
- Students and parents are encouraged to communicate regularly with OCV teachers and the OCV Learning Support Teacher (if/when necessary) about the implementation of a student’s IEP (accommodations, etc.)
- The OCV Student Support Centre (SSC) is available for students who may benefit from extra support.
OCV Student Support Centre (SSC)
- Teachers and an educational assistant are available within the Student Support Centre to provide support for students before school, during lunch, and after school.
- OCV teachers can refer students to the SSC for support during class time as a Tier 2 intervention
Potential supports in the SSC:
- Organization and time management support
- Communication with classroom teachers, parents, LST, etc.
- Navigating the OCV environment (Google Classroom, VLE, Google Calendar, etc.)
- IEP Accommodations
- Extra time (for test writing, assignment completion etc.)
- Alternative setting (breakout rooms)
- Virtual body breaks/check-ins
- Assistive technology support (Google Read and Write, Mindomo, etc.). We would like OCV students to use speech-to-text programs BEFORE they are referred for scribing.
Contact Information
Katie Midwood (katie.midwood@ocdsb.ca)
Department Head of Student Services / Learning Support Teacher (LST)
Book an appointment HERE