Community Service Hours Information

OCVSS Community Involvement Hours    

All students must complete a minimum of 40 hours of community involvement activities as part of the diploma requirements. The purpose of this requirement is to encourage students to develop an awareness and understanding of civic responsibility and of the role they can play and the contributions they can make in supporting and strengthening their communities.

Please note: For the past two years, the Ministry provided temporary, flexible ways for graduating students to obtain their community involvement hours. Through duties at home (helping a sibling with homework, helping elderly relative, babysitting, up to 10 hours of paid employment).  As of July 28, 2023 temporary eligible activities were revoked and will not be considered for community involvement hours.
Community Involvement hours must fall into one of these categories: 

  • Not-for-profit: includes voluntary activities for any not-for profit institution or foundation that would not displace a paid worker.
  • For-profit: includes voluntary activities that are charitable-based for any business or organization that would not displace a paid worker. If volunteers are enhancing a product/service being sold/ provided by a for profit business designed to make it more attractive and/or a better experience for clients, then it is not in keeping with the spirit of community service and would not be an approved activity.
  • Other: community support that you feel warrants consideration. In this case, please submit a brief written summary that explains how this experience meets the spirit and expectations of Community Involvement as identified above.

Please submit this form once per volunteer position.

If you volunteer in the same position multiple times, you can total all the hours done and submit the form once.

This form is for current OCVSS students only - if you are not registered with OCVSS, your submission will be discarded.